I'm changing my blogs at the moment and this blog will concentrate on more in-depth features rather than just random pictures from my very large collection though there will still be features on Victorian / Edwardian life and pictures I want to feature. But I particularly want to feature articles on individual artists and their works. Feedback welcome. This will include artists I formerly included in my Newlyn and Impressionist blogs.
Later 20th century art will be on my
blog. I'm also including more news items you might find interesting on my Facebook page:
Up to now I've restricted myself to British artists, but I've had so many requests to include others that I will include some foreign artists I particularly like.
I'm also often asked what other blogs readers might want to view alongside this one. There are so many good ones, but to mention ones that I read more or less every day:
Art and Architecture mainly
Dolls from the Attic
I am a Child (Children in Art History)
Three Pipe Problem
and my own
Pre-Raphaelite blog
and there are so many other good ones.
*** later update ***
Because of my health I'm going to have to move, so updates may be errratic over the next few months - especially if I lose my internet connection.
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